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Is a Washer Dryer Right for You?

Is a washer dryer the right choice for your home? If you're short on space or fed up with damp clothes, a washer dryer might be the perfect solution. Follow our article for hints and tips.

How to get Stains out of Clothes

Do you often spill drinks or food on your favourite clothes? Learn how to treat stains, pre-treat fabrics, and choose the right washing machine to keep your clothes looking fresh and clean.

How to do Your Laundry Like a Pro

Learn simple and effective laundry tips to save time, money, and energy. From sorting laundry to choosing the right detergent, follow these pro tips for cleaner clothes and lower energy bills.

Laundry Tips for Towels

Have your towels started to feel rough and stiff? Follow our tips and learn the best ways to wash, dry, and care for them to extend their lifespan, keeping them soft, fluffy, and fresh smelling.

Choosing Washing Machine Capacity

Choose the right washing machine capacity to lighten your laundry load. Whether it's overflowing PE kits or post-holiday clothes piles, find out how to ensure your laundry comes out clean.

Can I put a Tumble Dryer in a Shed?

Wondering if your tumble dryer can go in a shed or garage? Discover essential tips on ventilation, temperature, and safe installation to ensure your appliance works efficiently.

Laundry Tips for Smelly Clothes

Say goodbye to lingering odours and hello to the refreshing scent of freshly washed laundry. Follow these steps to eliminate stubborn smells and restore your clothes to their clean fragrance.

How to Choose a Tumble Dryer

With so many tumble dryers to choose from, it can be tricky to find the right one. Our easy-to-follow tips will help you make the best decision, so you can take on your laundry pile without worry.

Laundry Tips for White Clothes

Are your white clothes stained and not looking as clean as usual? There’s still time to reverse the damage and transform them back into the sparkling whites they used to be.

How to Avoid Shrinking Clothes

Mistakes happen, and sometimes your favourite shirt shrinks in the tumble dryer. Here's how to prevent that from happening again and keep your laundry looking its best.

Laundry Tips for Hard Water Areas

Living in areas with hard water can make laundry challenging. Here are some tips to help you get the best results and protect your washing machine.

Do Tumble Dryer Balls Work?

Learn how to dry your laundry quicker and more efficiently with tumble dryer balls while reducing the creasing of your clothes.

Laundry Tips for Large Families

Keeping your home running smoothly when you’re a large family can be tough. Follow our top tips to help you reduce and keep your laundry load under control.

How to Clean Your Fridge

Learn to love your fridge and it will love you. It might not give you flowers or bring you a tea in bed, but it will keep your food fresh and safe.

How to Clean Shoes

Is your favourite pair of shoes looking a little worse for wear? If you’re not quite ready to say goodbye, you can spruce them up using your washing machine. 

​​​​​The Best Freezers for an Outbuilding

A modern-day essential for every home, we couldn’t do without refrigeration appliances to keep food cool and stored safely. 

Reduce Your Energy Bills

With energy bills set to increase again, we know many of our customers are concerned about how they will reduce their energy use.

Small Kitchen Hacks

House sizes are shrinking, with the average UK new-build measuring just 76 sqm – which means our kitchens are getting smaller too. 

Meet the Euronics Family - Part Two

In Autumn, we introduced you to five of our independent Euronics retailers in Lincoln, Newtownards, Leicester, Ramsey and Heathfield. 

Meet the Euronics Family - Part One

With the retail landscape back in full swing and a consensus that local retail has never been stronger, we’ve been catching up with the Euronics family!