Washing Machine Capacity

Choosing Washing Machine Capacity

The laundry pile – it can seem never-ending when you’re a busy family on the go.

Whether it’s babygrows for your newborn, nursery gear for a toddler, or school and weekend sports kit for your active kids – there’s no two ways about it. The washing pile has got to get ‘done’.

And that’s before you’ve started to pull out the clothes you need for your own hectic working week…

The good news is that choosing the right capacity washing machine for your family can lighten the everyday load. Here’s how.

What does washing machine capacity mean?

Washing machine capacity is how much you can fit into the washing machine drum in one go. It’s measured in kilogram (KG) weight of dry clothes.

However, this capacity is generally based only on the main cottons programme. Other programmes may have smaller load capacities – sometimes less than half the size of the drum.

Why does washing machine capacity matter?

Choosing the right capacity washing machine will ensure your machine can get your family’s clothes really clean every time.

This is because the water and detergent can move freely as they wash. Cram the drum full and they can’t do their job.

Clothes may come out claggy with unrinsed detergent – or dry to the touch and barely washed. Not good when you’ve a busy family home to run.

In fact, overloading your washing machine won’t just mean you waste time dividing the wash and starting again. It can also damage the balance of the drum.

Plus choosing the right load capacity for your washing machine will help you cut your energy bills by reducing the number of times you need it on.


Choosing the right capacity washing machine for your family

So what load capacity washing machine do most families choose?

An 8kg to 9kg capacity drum is the most popular size today as it’s perfect for standard family-size loads. Check out this top-rated 8kg Bosch washing machine for your washing needs.

Larger families might prefer a 10kg to 12kg option so they can do fewer fuller washes in one go – but remember bigger isn't necessarily better as the machine will cost more to buy and run. This top-rated 10kg AEG washing machine is the perfect model for those larger laundry loads.

It’s best to go for a size you can easily fill and with a range of programmes you’ll actually use.

Choosing a washing machine with the programmes you need

So that’s one decision made: the washing machine load capacity your family needs. What else is it helpful to know?

Think about the range of washing programmes you’re likely to use, based on what you’re washing, how often and when.


When you need clean clothes in a rush

Most of us use the main (longer) cottons wash for getting our clothes, bedding and towels sparkling clean.

But the pace of family life means that, sometimes, you need to wash clothes fast at short notice – say, that emergency Saturday morning sports kit or must-wear party top for tonight.

Look out for a washing machine with a rapid 15-minute option or, even better, a washer dryer with a rapid wash and fast dry cycle for clean, dry clothes in just over half an hour.

Perfect for clothes that have been worn once and/or clothes which you need in a rush.

When you need to wash a half-load

Washing machines work best when they’re filled to load capacity. But you might not always have enough for a full wash.

If that’s you, look out for a machine with an eco-logic programme like this Blomberg washing machine exclusive to Euronics featuring SpinSave technology.

This means that when the washing machine is half-loaded, energy consumption is automatically decreased by up to half, saving you time, energy and water plus reducing your energy bills.

And, of course, your clothes are properly washed.

When you need to wash clothes for sensitive skin

Babies’ skin is particularly soft and delicate – but older children and grown-ups can have sensitive skin and allergies too.

If that sounds like your family, look for a washing machine with an allergy-safe programme.

This will offer the option of high-temperature washing followed by a thorough triple hot-rinsing process – ensuring clothes and bedding emerge properly clean and with all potential allergens removed.

If you could benefit from some expert advice on choosing the right laundry product for you, find your local store or head on over to our laundry pages, to check out our range of washing machines and washer dryers.